Running a Vet Clinic in a Remote Tropical ParadiseBringing HOPE to the furry residents (and the humans) of Nomuka island in the Kingdom of Tonga. In May 2018, our small team set off for...
Volcanos & Mojo in LanzaroteSpent last week exploring the magical Lanzarote island - the oldest of all the Canary Islands. It's a world of volcanoes, craters, mojo...
Pacific Hope: Helping Puppies & Pigs in TongaSometimes there are those places, people and experiences that are so magical they make you feel like you just need to give something...
A Fin So Smart It Saves Our Oceans While You SurfThe future of surfboard fins has arrived. Imagine a world where just paddling out at your favourite break would be actively helping to...
Henderson Island: Castaway ScientistsIn May 2015, I joined a team of scientists to go to one of the most remote islands on earth. We were sent by global conservation...